RatVM compiler and console interpreter

Project maintained by GrenDrake Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

RatCode Statements

Statements resemble opcodes, but can only be used in non-assembly contexts. Typically they break down into larger chunks of assembly when processed.

Any asm (special)

Takes a series of assembly opcodes and commands as its arguments.

Any (function name) (...)

A function may be called by beginning a list with the name of the function. The arguments are passed directly to the function, and the function’s return value is returned.

Bool and (...)

Takes two or more arguments. If all arguments are truthy, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.

break ()

Escape the current loop

Bool continue ()

Jump to the end of the current loop iteration.

Bool dec (local-var [amount])

Decrements the value stored in local-var by amount. If amount is not provided, the value is decremented by one.

do_while (condition expression)

Continually runs expression as long as condition remains true.

Bool if (condition true-expression [false-expression])

Evaluates condition. If it results in a truthy value, evaluate true-expression Otherwise, evaluate false-expression if provided.

Bool inc (local-var [amount])

Increments the value stored in local-var by amount. If amount is not provided, the value is incremented by one.

List list (...)

Create a new list value using the provided arguments as the initial list items.

None return (value)

Return from the current function, passing value back to the caller.

Bool string (...)

Create a new string value using the provided arguments as the initial string text.

Bool option (text value [extra] [hotkey])

Adds an option to the list of options for the current node. The option will be displayed as text. get_option will return value if the option is chosen and set the extra value to extra. Passing hotkey will set the option to use a specific hotkey instead of being a numbered option.

If extra is not provided, it is set to none. If hotkey is not provided, then a designated hotkey will not be set.

Bool or (...)

Takes two or more arguments. Returns true if any of them are truthy. Returns false otherwise.

Bool print (...)

Prints the arguments provided to the screen.

Bool print_uf (...)

Prints the arguments provided to the screen. The first letter of the first argument will be capitalized.

Bool proc (...)

Evaluate all passed arguments in sequence. The result is the value the last argument evaluates to.

Bool while (condition expression)

Continually runs expression as long as condition remains true.