RatVM compiler and console interpreter

Project maintained by GrenDrake Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Writing Games

Every RatVM game is made from one or more source files. Regardless of how large or small the game is, however, there are a few things every game will need to include. (Though note that these are required per-project, not per-source file.) An example of a truly minimal “game” is as follows.

declare TITLE   "Minimal Sample Game";
declare AUTHOR  "Gren Drake";
declare VERSION 1;
declare GAMEID  "56735BDD-C5EE-4837-911D-BBE70676C89A";

function main() {

There are two forms of construct in this minimal project. The declare statements create a new named constant and define its value. The four constants TITLE, AUTHOR, VERSION, and GAMEID are required in all projects. TITLE and AUTHOR are quoted strings; the expected content should be apparent from the name. VERSION is an integer and should be incremented for each release. The GAMEID is a string containing the IFID used to uniquely identify this game from all other works of interactive fiction. IFIDs can be generated online

The other construct in this project is the declaration of the main function.